


选举办公时间为上午8时至9时.m. 到下午4点.m. Appointments are not required however they may be made by calling 989-790-5253 or emailing kbostwick@ligalocalvaldepenas.com




Getting Started as a Candidate Committee


Candidate Statement of Organization Form

说明和表格-县 & 地方候选人委员会

Affidavit of Identity and Receipt of Filing 

Precinct Delegate Affidavit of Identity

Preparing, Circulating and Filing Petitions for Public Office (Regularly Scheduled 选举)

Circulating and Canvassing City/Township Nominating and Qualifying Petition Forms

Circulating Countywide Nominating and Qualifying Petition Forms

Nominating petitions are available from election officials on the county and local levels. Petition sheets may be purchased from commercial suppliers or the candidate may make photocopies provided the copies are exactly the same as the original. The style of petition used depends on the office sought.

Michigan Election Law determines the format of the petitions candidates use when collecting signatures (P.A. 第168节.544c).


Congressional District 8, State Senate Districts 26, 34 & 35   在密歇根部门备案. of State, Bureau of 选举 in Lansing
94区州代表 File with the Saginaw 县's Office
州代表选区71,93 & 97 在密歇根部门备案. of State, Bureau of 选举 in Lansing
全县办事处:检察官, 治安官, 县, 财务主管, 契约登记册, 工务专员 File with the Saginaw 县's Office
County Commissioners 1st - 11th Districts File with the Saginaw 县's Office
Appeals Court Judge, 巡回法院 Judges or 地方法院 Judges 在密歇根部门备案. of State, Bureau of 选举 in Lansing
遗嘱承办法庭法官 File with the Saginaw 县's Office

File with the clerks of the township where the village is located. (连接城市、乡镇 & 村地址)


File with clerk of the township or city where the district is located - except New Lothrop files with Maple Grove Township.


File with the Saginaw 县's Office


File with the Saginaw 县's Office


请愿书在下午4点或之前提交.m. on the 15th Tuesday preceding the August Primary Election for state, county and township offices. Petitions for school board candidates are filed on or before 4 p.m. on the 15th Tuesday before November even year election.

Filing Fee Instead Of Nominating Petitions

Partisan candidates for State Senator, 州议员, 县办公室, 县委员会区, and Township Offices may file a filing fee of $100 in lieu of filing nominating petitions. 

School Districts and Library Boards may file a non-refundable filing fee in lieu of petitions. 

Persons wishing to run with no party affiliation must file qualifying petitions by the required filing date in July and may not file a filing fee.  They will only appear on the November General Election.


Election Sign Ordinance information was compiled by the Saginaw 县's Office to assist candidates and property owners. This information is based on responses received from officials in each jurisdiction. Saginaw County is not the enforcing authority for any jurisdiction. Any questions should be directed to the appropriate City, Township or Village. For 信息 regarding State Highways, contact the Michigan Department of Transportation.

Read a description of the sign ordinances from Saginaw County.


Write-In Candidate Declaration of Intent

Please contact the Saginaw 县's Office for additional information.


As soon as an individual becomes a "candidate" under Michigan's 竞选资金 Act, P.A. 388 of 1976, as amended, he/she has 10 calendar days to form a Candidate Committee. 在委员会成立日期之后, the candidate has an additional 10 calendar days to register the committee. A candidate registers a Candidate Committee by filing a Statement of Organization form with his/her filing official (Saginaw 县's Office). A person becomes a candidate under the 竞选资金 Act on the date he/she:

  • files a nominating petition, a filing fee or an affidavit of candidacy; or
  • receives a contribution or makes an expenditure, or gives consent to someone else to receive a contribution or make an expenditure with a view to bringing about the individual's nomination or election to an elective office; or
  • is nominated for an elective office by a political party caucus or convention.

Exception: A candidate who seeks a precinct delegate position is not required to file a Statement of Organization. 此外,候选人:

  • who seeks a school board position in a school district with a pupil membership count of 2,400或以下.
  • 收到或花费1000美元.00 or less for the election is not required to file a Statement of Organization

A candidate is required to file two copies of this form with the clerk of the county in which he/she resides. Exception: A candidate for a school board seat that will be voted on in more than one county files two copies of this form with the clerk of the county in which the greatest number of votes eligible to vote on the office reside.

A candidate for a state elective office or judicial office is required to file two copies with the 密歇根州国务院选举局,P. O. 密歇根州兰辛48901号20126号信箱.